about LadySprout

I am honored that you have stopped by to visit my rambling thoughts. I want to connect with people, with you specifically, actually. So you know you’re not alone, I’m not alone…we are all in this together…trying to do the absolute best we can in a world of limitations. 

And who am I? 

I am a person who loves to craft, farm (garden really), enjoy the world around me, eat, sleep, and travel. Then I got married, found a job, had children, gained some people, lost some people. Somewhere in there, things changed. I am finding new loves, prioritizing, thinking of the future while living in the present. A mortgage, health benefits, and children will to that to a person! But I need time to reflect, capture the moments, have evidence of my life. 

I am a teacher by training and by heart. I used to teach special education, then environmental education (with a focus on farm-to-school). But now, when I’m not teaching my children, I’m working with college students. 

I live with the mountains with my college sweetheart turned husband, Andy, and our two beautiful daughters (22 months apart), Madeline and Amelia. The 4 seasons, rural landscapes, and laid back lifestyle have resonated so deeply with us. We could do without 5 months of snow though!
Food. I love food. I love GOOD food. I love REAL food. I love farmers who grow it, I love to grow it, I love to cook it, I love people who cook it. I had been a vegetarian for 15 years after a traumatic incident with a bird and my car windshield. But when I switched to a gluten-free diet last year, I started eating meat. My diet tries to support local, but I have bad habits and a sweet tooth. That stuff is addicting. Truly. I was also diagnosed with Graves' Disease in November 2013. Living and growing and breathing is hard enough, but now I have to try to navigate it while managing this chronic disease. 

And that what this blog is…my life, my real life, sprouting around me and growing into something beautiful. I hope.

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