Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July Recipes: Pizza, Pie & Hash

Every weekend, I meal plan. Not only do we purchase everything we are going to eat for the week, but I try to make all of the food on the weekend so we can heat up the leftovers Monday through Friday. We have so little time between work and bedtimes that this system is the only way to stay sane! Seriously, I would have a melt down if we tried to actually make dinner on a work night.

On top of some major planning, we eat real/whole food meals and are moving slowly towards Paleo and Autoimmune Protocol meal plans.

This past week we had...

Bacon and Kale Pizza (Paleo, Autoimmune Protocol Friendly)
  • So delicious...The pizza crust was made from plantain, which was weird but worked. The recipe calls for a "no-mato sauce" and left out the cheese. But since we are moving slowly towards another major diet change, we used tomato sauce and cheese. We kept the bacon and kale and even the kids loved it. I would have taken pictures, but we ate it too quickly!

Chicken Pot Pie (Paleo)
  • There is something about pot pie that just makes you all warm in side. For this recipe, we used a local whole chicken that we roasted ahead of time. (Side note: We save the chicken bones to make broth that will go in the freezer to use another day.) We also added carrots, a winter squash, plantain (it seemed to have been a theme for the week), celery, and onions. We followed the recipe for everything else. The crust did not turn out as expected. It ended up being spooned on top. It did not survive rolling and transferring. Next time I would add more liquid. 

Home Fries with ground beef hash

  • Who doesn't like potatoes?! We made these fried ones, cooked in lard, and added ground beef. We served these with steamed cauliflower. I think our downfall with fried potatoes is that we cook in cast iron skillets. The nice fried crust you get on the potatoes sticks to the bottom of the skillet and we end up with just a plate of mushed potatoes. Still yummy...just not what we expected. 

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